Woodland Craft

Whilst in the woodland you can use the materials around you to make a variety of different items. The things you create can be artistic or have a practical use. It can be particularly enjoyable sitting down with clients and teaching them to make their own woodland craft. There is always a place for creativity as well and given clients experienced with tools an opportunity to create their own woodland craft. 

Before moving forward within this section it is important to gain an understanding of how tools are used safely without causing harm to others. Please take you time to visit the tools section and practice the safety talks before beginning (Click here to visit the tool area). 

Below you will find links to a few simple items that can be created in the woodland.


Teaching Woodland Craft:

When teaching Woodland Craft there are a number of different approaches that may be considered to help improve pupils retention:

  • Teaching of skills beforehand. Ensure that clients have a good working knowledge of tools and how to use them safely. You may have to teach specialised skills over a number of weeks.
  • You may wish to break a task down into stages. Providing clients with small achievable steps can appear less daunting and lead to a more successful result. 
  • Contextualising the woodland craft. It often makes things easier to learn if you can understand why you have to learn it. For example learning to make a peg and how it can help put up a shelter.
  • Modelling how to create the object. 
  • You may consider showing clients a finished product. This has to be done with a touch of caution. A perfect finished piece may lead to clients feeling a little dismayed or like they are a long distance away.
  •  Use visual prompts; cards (like those shown above), videos and step by steps.
  • Working with peers can help when building items. Knowledgeable pupils can also be used to teach others. You could also consider group projects/challenges where they have to use certain skills. The construction of an item can prompt good discussion within groups.
  • It is worth considering using a variety of methods in combination, this will ensure that clients with different learning styles are able to work on the task.